How does high sugar affect your liver?

How does high sugar affect your liver?

We’ve all heard that eating too much sugar is harmful to our health. However, few individuals are not aware of the effect sugar will have on the liver. Make sure you opt for Sugar-free syrup because obesity may be caused by eating too much sugar, & obesity is a risk factor for liver disease. In fact, non-alcohol-related liver disease is expected to replace alcohol as the primary cause of liver problems in the coming years. However, just 34% of individuals associate being overweight with liver illness, although more than 80% comprehend the relationship between excess weight & heart disease, diabetes, & high

What role does sugar play in diabetes?

What role does sugar play in diabetes?

Because diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar, several people question if sugar might cause it. While it is true that consuming a lot of added sugar raises your risk of developing diabetes, it is only one component of the equation. Before looking for sugar substitutes for diabetes, know that many additional variables, like general nutrition, lifestyle, & genetics, influence your risk. What Is Diabetes? Diabetes develops when your body’s ability to manage blood sugar levels is compromised. This can happen if your pancreas stops generating enough insulin, if your cells grow tolerant to the insulin that is produced or

Why Natural Sugar is Healthier Option

Why Natural Sugar is Healthier Option

You can never cut out sugar from your diet, no matter how hard you try. That’s because, sugar or glucose is part of all types of food. Natural sugar is present in fruits, vegetables, and cooked food. So, it’s not possible to get rid of all the sugar. But natural sugar is great for you. It is the processed sugar that you need to avoid. People are now consuming more amount of processed sugar than the body can take in. Over consumerism has create this health crisis. Which is why, it is important to look for healthy sugar substitute and