Wheatgrass Capsules are a unique 100% natural product in compressed form. Just break the tablet and make sure it is pressed sprouts, not powder.
Wheatgrass sprouts cold pressed tablets contains a record amount of natural vitamins that are not presented in any other foods. Their combination with trace elements and chlorophyll further emphasizes the uniqueness and indispensability of such products.
Ingredients: compressed wheat grass containing 34 times more nutrients than a grain itself. Does not contain any chemicals or preservatives.
Suitable for people on a diet. Boost metabolism. Unique source of trace elements, proteins, vitamins.

Pure Wheat Grass Pressed Capsules – Record Number of Vitamins
- Contains 34 times more nutrients than a grain itself
- No chemicals or preservatives
- 300 Tablets

Wheat Sprouts in Tablets – 100% Natural Product.
Wheat grass contains a record amount of natural vitamins that are not presented in any other foods.
Their combination with trace elements and chlorophyll further emphasizes the uniqueness and indispensability of such products.

Suitable for people on a diet. Boost metabolism.
Unique source of trace elements, proteins, vitamins.
Wheatgrass is an excellent source of many different vitamins and minerals.
It is especially high in vitamins A, C and E, as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids.
Of its 17 amino acids, eight are considered essential, meaning your body cannot produce them and you must obtain them from food sources.

The benefits of wheat grass are derived from its powerful nutritional content. While wheat grass offers many of the same nutrients as other green leafy vegetables, the nutrients in wheat grass are more concentrated, meaning that small servings of wheat grass pack a whole lot of nutrition. Wheat grass contains the following nutrients:
PHYTONUTRIENTS: Wheat grass is 70% chlorophyll, which is considered as “the richest nutritional liquid known to man” due to the wide array of benefits. Chlorophyll carries high levels of oxygen which helps deliver more oxygen to the blood. It aids in cellular growth and repair. It is known to be very good for the vascular system. It can slow down the oxidation of LDL (the ‘bad’ cholesterol) and has antioxidants that help eliminate harmful toxins from the body. Chlorophyll cleanses, purifies, and heals most areas of the body. It detoxifies the liver and blood.
VITAMINS & MINERALS: Wheat grass contains a full spectrum of vitamins and over 90 minerals essential for healthy function of our body’s systems. Vitamins and minerals act together to perform hundreds of roles in the body, such as produce energy, protect cells from damage, and regulate cell and tissue growth. The vitamins in wheat grass contain powerful antioxidants which eliminate free radicals which cause cellular damage. Antioxidants help strengthen the body’s immune system, reducing the risks of disease, and improve overall health and well-being.
ENZYMES: Wheat grass contains about 30 beneficial enzymes that act as catalysts to speed up the rate at which metabolic processes and reactions occur in the body. Enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase help neutralize toxins and detoxify the body. They help cleanse the body of heavy metals, environmental pollutants and other toxins that may be stored in the body’s tissues and organs. The enzymes in wheat grass also aid in digestion.
AMINO ACIDS: Wheat grass is a complete source of protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids and more. This protein is in the form of poly peptides, simpler and shorter chains of amino acids that the body uses more efficiently in the blood stream and tissues. Amino acids comprise a large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissues, and have an influence on the function of organs, glands, tendons and arteries.
ALKALINITY: Wheat grass is naturally alkaline and may help neutralize excess acidity in the body. Alkaline foods are needed to remove acidic waste and to restore the pH balance for proper health. Even slight fluctuations in pH balance that make the body acidic can hamper ideal body functions and bring about health issues.
Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food.”
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