
Chocolate Coconut Butter is a unique flavor combination of whole cocoa beans butter, coconut flakes, buckwheat honey and cold-pressed corn germ oil.
This is a natural and healthy substitute of your regular chocolate spread with amazing taste and no added sugar!
With just two ingredients: Right Food Chocolate Coconut Butter and oatmeals you can easily make amazing Chocolate Coconut Butter Truffles.
Stir the ingredients until until thoroughly combined and a creamy paste forms; using hands or a small cookie dough scooper make one inch balls; and you are done! store in the fridge until ready to eat.
For an extremely healthy and nutritionally complete desert replace oatmeals with our Organic U-Food Powder!
Breakfast and brunch dishes: make Chocolate Coconut butter sandwiches topped up with fruit and berries or use it to thicken and flavor smoothies or use it it to bind hearty, healthy granola bars – blending the butter with dried fruit, oats and seeds.
Or just mix it into your oatmeal for that extra nutritious boost!
Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food.”
Maria –
In addition to the pulp of coconut, there is nothing in the composition, especially sugar, it is very cool, a natural product. I took a small jar for a sample, everything is very well packed, the paste itself is not very hard, I ate a couple of teaspoons right away, I really liked it.