Hazelnut Butter Urbech RAW 8 oz (230g)
Hazelnut Butter Urbech RAW 8 oz (230g) | Healthy Vegan Spread | Protein 13g | Non-GMO | Keto | No Added Sugar | No Oil | Low Carb | 100% Superfood
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Scientists claim that hazelnuts were in great demand even in prehistoric times. In the writings of Greek and Roman writers, this nut is often mentioned, which indicates its distribution in Europe in ancient times.
Like any nut butter, Hazelnut butter have an excellent set of minerals and vitamins, they have everything that is so necessary to maintain health in the body. True, it is worth considering that it is very high in calories. There are 704 kcal per 100 g of fruit, which is one third of the daily calorie intake. But thanks to this, this nut is able to easily satisfy hunger, just a handful of nutritional value will replace a kilogram of fish, potatoes, milk, bread or fruit, it will be more satisfying than chocolate.
It was believed that he has magical properties, can bestow immortality. Hazelnut butter saved people in a lean year, helping to quickly get enough.

This product is packed with a huge amount of healing qualities:
• Due to the low amount of carbohydrates, it is recommended for diabetes mellitus.
• Used as prevention of oncology.
• Promotes the growth of muscle tissue.
• Popularly used as an antipyretic agent and for vitamin deficiency.
• Cleans the body, with the help of its organic compounds, prevents the development of putrefactive processes and the appearance of worms, as well as gas formation in the intestines.
• The choleretic effect of the nut will cleanse the liver well.
• Ideal for people with cardiovascular disease. Due to the content of potassium and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels and muscles of the heart, it makes their walls elastic. This property also helps with varicose veins, and in general, with diseases of the veins and blood vessels.
• Stimulates brain function.
• Improves lactation in nursing mothers.
• Dissolves kidney stones, treats pancreatitis and gout.
• Mixing chopped hazelnuts with honey can help the body with anemia.
• Hazelnut butter is used for burns and is also rubbed into the scalp for the health and beauty of hair.
• Indispensable for diets, because it easily saturates the body even in small quantities due to its high calorie content.
All components of the hazelnut bush are saturated with healing effects: leaves, bark, leafy shell of the fruit and shell.

Hazelnuts are a separate product. It is cleaned, crushed or consumed whole and raw, it can also be fried and dried, it is ground into flour or butter, it is very popular in cooking when making meringues, cakes, halva, any pastries, sweets and in desserts (replaces almonds). The dough with the addition of nut butter rises very easily and quickly, and then the baked goods do not stale for a long time.

Hazelnut butter are called the product of the future, the healthiest and most balanced in chemical composition, superfood, a miracle of nature, capable of curing almost any ailment, replenishing the energy charge and raising mood.