
Proven efficacy of probiotic bacteria and their byproducts for the rehabilitation after COVID-19

The biggest problems for people who are suffering disease of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 syndromes are the cytokine storm and severely disturbed gut microflora. During a cytokine storm, pro-inflammatory substances (cytokines) are produced at a much higher rate than normal that can lead to local chronic inflammation and organ damage.

The cytokine storm in COVID-19 appears to play a major role in determining the severity of a lung injury.

Proven effectiveness in the recovery process after Covid-19

With the proven effectiveness of probiotic bacteria in the recovery process after Covid-19, taking probiotic ZOE products is also highly effective because of probiotic ZOE concentrates from Russia contain not only a large number of living beneficial bacteria with own antioxidant super activity, but also other important factors supporting gut normal microflora and human cell systems:

  • accumulated bacterial metabolites and postbiotics
  • prebiotics of plant and microbial origin
  • dietary fibers
  • antioxidants
  • polyphenols
  • phenolic acids
  • bacteriocins
  • minerals in bioavailable form

Beneficial bacteria are a powerful factor in supporting and restoration of normal gut microflora and regulatory processes in the human body that are associated with the letter one particularly through the gut-brain axis mechanisms.

Covid-19 and post-COVID-19 syndromes patients often have complaints of depression, apathy, irritability and panic attacks that can be arrest or strongly weakened by taking ZOE probiotic products.

Depression, apathy, irritability and panic attacks

The products contain high concentrations of live probiotic bacteria, their postbiotics and other bioactive metabolites that are useful for human organism.

On these reasons our clients, which regularly used the ZOE concentrates, have experienced a rapid improvement in well-being and quickly recovered from illness

They definitely need to restore a healthy microbiota

The products contain high concentrations of live probiotic bacteria, their postbiotics and other bioactive metabolites that are useful for human organism. On these reasons our clients, which regularly used the ZOE concentrates, have experienced a rapid improvement in well-being and quickly recovered from illness.

Arrest an attack of a cytokine storm

ZOE products promote to arrest an attack of a cytokine storm induced by Covid-19 disease, due to the large amount of anti-inflammatory compounds accumulated in these concentrates and re-emitted by beneficial bacteria, as well as wide spectrum of detoxifying agents (plant and bacterial origination) listed below:

  • sorbents,
  • dietary fibers,
  • antioxidants,
  • detoxifying enzymes,
  • exopolysaccharides.

Thus, the consumption of probiotic ZOE concentrates in food reduces the risk of negative effects of Covid-19 disease and post-COVID-19 syndromes in addition to nourishement human organism with essential nutrients.

Probiotic Concentrates ZOE Russia

ZOE probiotic concentrates Russia that produces only from raw materials of plant origin are an effective and affordable food product for supporting and restoration of human health!

For a tangible effect, one half-liter package of any ZOE product is designed for 100 sufficient minimum servings.

ZOE products contain all the groups of effective food ingredients listed in the National Association for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism guidelines:

  • prebiotics and dietary fibers,
  • probiotics,
  • bacterial metabiotics / postbiotics and useful metabolites,
  • symbiotics,
  • antioxidants,
  • short-chain fatty acids,
  • monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids,
  • minerals,
  • vitamins and other essential nutrients.

Lock, stock and barrel in a balanced safe combination and comfortable form.

Useful and safe for people of all ages and categories, including children, pregnant women and persons with underlying medical conditions.

Probiotic food with ZOE affects the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and the food itself is easily digestible and has a high nutritional value.

Be healthy!


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